Weeding out bad mutations to enhance cassava productivity and climate resilience
Cassava, a root crop, is a critical staple food crop planted on 32 million acres worldwide. It is wi ...The GEMS Informatics Grid Goes Open Source
We are delighted to announce that we have just released the GEMS Grid code library, where the code i ...Research Working Towards Big Data Analysis
Researchers that are transitioning from doing analysis locally on their laptop to remote or large sc ...Innovation in Assessing Soybean Aphid Risk
We’re thrilled to announce that GEMS is leading a novel 2-year project funded by the Minnesota Invas ...Water Resources and Sensing Conference Session
Assessing BMP Effectiveness for Water Quality Outcomes with Remote SensingVirtually everyone in Minn ...Nudging Farmers to Lower Nitrogen Pollution
Behavioral economists are studying “nudges” to prompt behavior change in agriculture. Accounting for ...