farmers working in rice field in Vietnam

Support the creation of strong market linkages throughout agri-food value chains, particularly in the developing world.

Provide spatially- and temporally-explicit, business intelligence data to agribusinesses such as farm input suppliers, off-takers, processors, and exporters.

Quantify the implications of market interventions on farmer productivity and livelihoods

How Joglekar Lab applies GEMS Services

Joglekar Lab Members

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Current Joglakar Lab Members

Ali Joglekar, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Connie Chan-Kang, M.S., Data Scientist, Contractor 
Mason Hurley, M.S., Data Engineer, University of Minnesota

Past Joglakar Lab Members

Christina Poudyal, M.S., Computer Science, University of Minnesota - placements: 
Tina Koziol, Ph.D., Economics, University of Cape Town - placements: 
Tanushree Naik, Ph.D., Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science - placements: Independent Consultant