

LiDAR derived elevation and slope


This API includes elevation data from three sources. Two are global, one low and one moderate resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and slope datasets. The third is a high-resolution lidar derived DEM, Digital Surface Model, and slope dataset for Minneosota. 

API Product Region Release date GEMS Grid Level Period
Minnesota lidar circa 2010 Minnesota 2022-08-02 Level 6 (~ 1m) Data collected 2008-2012
Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data (GMTED2010) Global 2022-12-07 Level 3 (~ 1km) Compiled in 2010 from multiple datasets collected over multiple periods
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 3 arc second (SRTMGL3v003) Global 2022-01-24 Level 4 (~ 100m) Compiled in 2014 from multiple datasets collected over multiple periods